Monica Crowley wrote an op-ed for The Hill last week about Biden’s current proposed massive tax increases and she is absolutely correct, these taxes are going to be catastrophic for the American people. As she so eloquently put it in her article, “It’s a spend-and-tax scheme on steroids, designed to fundamentally reshape the U.S. economy toward a collectivist model of ever-greater government control.”
After four years of President Trump, the economy improved greatly. After eight years of the Obama administration raising taxes and the middle class paying out of the nose for it, President Trump finally put money back into the pockets of the average American.
When I filed my taxes in 2016, I owed thousands of dollars in taxes. I am the average American making under 6 figures. I am not rich. President Trump was the first president during my lifetime that really took my position in life into consideration. When I filed my taxes in 2019, for the first time in years, I was getting money back.
Under Trump’s presidency, the stock market also grew exponentially. Our economy was humming along and the unemployment rate fell significantly. This all changed when Biden took office. Monica wrote the following that best explains the impact of Trump’s policies during his presidency, “Nearly 7.3 million jobs were added to the economy from Trump’s election through the onset of the pandemic in February 2020. Prior to the pandemic, the unemployment rate fell to its lowest level in half a century. Americans of all backgrounds enjoyed a booming labor market; the unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women, veterans, individuals with disabilities and those without a high school diploma all reached historic lows.”
Biden is looking to reverse Trump’s pro-worker and pro-growth policies by raising taxes for American consumers, businesses and investors. This is not a plan directed at the uber rich like the Democrats are trying to claim, these tax increases will also tax the middle class. People like myself will be targeted once again to shoulder the load of these massive tax increases. The democrats will say how this will benefit the middle class, but it never does.
The democrats always pay lip service to the middle class, they always try to pander to the middle class but the reality is they just want our vote. They always try to package these tax increase as something that will work for the average American but in the long run, they are designed to bleed America dry.
President Trump worked tirelessly during his presidency to bring the economy back to its former glory and now Biden will undo all those gains. I for one and petrified of the changes that the democrats are going to force down our throats. I don’t think that these tax hikes are even remotely in the best interests of the lower income households or the middle-class households.
These higher taxes will suffocate people like me. I pray that we don’t revert back to the way things were before President Trump. I love this country but I don’t love the direction it is headed in. I hope that more Americans speak up to help put a stop to the madness.